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What are the NPQs?

National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) are a national, voluntary suite of qualifications designed to support the professional development of teachers and school leaders. 


    Apply for an NPQ

    Registrations are now open for Spring 2025 NPQs, starting in April...

    Specialist NPQs

    The 5 NPQ courses provide a fresh approach that validates teachers and leaders in choosing to focus on developing their in-class practice. Through these ‘depth’ pathways, they provide teachers and leaders with more time to dig into the detail of what works, where, why and how, with the clear goal of improving pupil outcomes with evidence-informed knowledge.The specialist NPQs are: NPQ in Leading Primary Maths, NPQ in Leading Literacy, NPQ in Leading Behaviour and Culture, NPQ in Leading Teaching and NPQ in Leading Teacher Development

    Leadership NPQs

    A key part of the new NPQ framework is a move away from a more generic approach to leadership and a move toward what school leaders need to know in their role. These new leadership NPQs have the same names as the previous iterations but they are very different in substance NPQ Senior Leadership (NPQSL) NPQ Headship (NPQH) NPQ Early Years Leadership

    New to Spring 2024 | Leading Primary Maths!

    Have you heard about the new funded NPQ in Leading Primary Maths course? - Learn how to develop a positive culture for teaching maths. - Embed effective approaches to primary maths teaching. - Designed for teachers and leaders who are familiar with mastery approaches to teaching maths. - Plus, fully funded places are available for our February 2024 cohorts! Find out how to apply and funding criteria here

New and reformed NPQs

Here at Northamptonshire Teaching School Hub, we're excited to be offering the new and reformed NPQs across Northamptonshire with Ambition Institute.

A key feature of the new NPQs is how they’ve been designed to fit around the busy working lives of teachers and school leaders.

Each NPQ is broken down into modules which can be spread across the timetable, whether that is in between lessons, after school, on a commute or at home. And with our ‘little and often’ approach, your teachers will get better faster.

✅ Flexible learning to suit your teachers and leaders’ timetable.

✅ Focused on what they need to know in their role.

✅ Delivered ‘little and often’ so they get better faster.

Applications open Applications are now open for our 9 NPQs with a Spring 2025 start. 

Latest News

    L o a d i n g

    • schools working with NTSH

    • of Northamptonshire schools receiving training from NTSH

    • ECTs enrolled on our ECF

    • teachers & leaders building their expertise with our NPQ’s

      L o a d i n g

      What do participants think?

      "It is easily the best CPD I have ever had. I feel confident in my expectations and how to deliver training effectively because I am always mindful of staff, working memory, time constraints and the best way to utilise them for pupil progress.”

      Ambition NPQ Participant