Induction Tutor Training
The role of the Induction Tutor is responsible, alongside the Headteacher, for the quality of ECT provision within your setting. This requires monitoring the progress against the Teacher Standards, underpinned by fidelity to the Early Career Framework training.
Your leadership role should allow mentors and ECTs to contextualise the ECF training to your school and enable the ECT to thrive.
Schools have a statutory duty to provide a suitable post for Induction and report progress to the Appropriate Body.
Northamptonshire Teaching School Hub is pleased to offer a new, robust training pathway to support Induction Tutors in their role.
As Induction Tutor, we require you to complete the full training below, and confirm completion using this FORM.
Irrespective of whether you are a new or experienced Induction Tutor, all post holders must complete this training by 30th September 2024.
Appropriate Body Guidance
NTSH AB Handbook
Asynchronous Training
Further Training & Webinars
New to Role Webinar
Reporting Webinars