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Showing items for tag Early Career Framework

  • The impact of the ECF

    Published 18/03/24

    In the past three years, we have welcomed 1000 new entrants to the profession in the region who, because of the ECF:

    • are skilled, reflective practitioners, who can identify granular approaches that create effective learning,
    • that understand deeply the cognitive science of how pupils learn and how this applies to their classrooms and subjects, 
    • that understand the importance of inclusion and have developed strategies they can harness to meet the needs of all students,
    • who have the confidence in their practice, supported by regular feedback from their expert mentors.

    So, while there are no doubt drawbacks to the universality of the ECF, I believe that the framework has had a hugely positive impact. There is now, for the first time, an equity of access to evidence-based practice and a strength of practice growing across the region in the profession. The benefit of this for the young people across the school communities of Northamptonshire is reason for optimism.

    Northamptonshire Teaching School Hub is pleased to share two recent research publications into the impact of the ECF:

    1. ECF evaluation report published

    DfE has published the year 2  Evaluation of the national roll-out of the early career framework induction programmes ( This contains an analysis of ECT and mentors experiences through the first cohort of ECF trainees.

    1. Developing and Retaining Talented Mentors: How Leaders Can Make Their School More Attractive for Teachers and Better for Students

    This report (Interim Research Report #3: Developing and Retaining Talented Mentors) arises from the UCL Centre of Educational Leadership led study The Impact of the Early Career Framework (ECF) programme of the work, engagement, wellbeing and retention of teachers: a longitudinal study, 2021 -2026.

    Interested to learn more about the findings in this report? Join this FREE event, led by the UCL Centre for Educational Leadership, to hear panellists discuss research from the study and explore how leaders can make their school more attractive for teachers and better for students.

    Date and time: 17 April 2024, 5:00pm – 6:30pm


    Chair: Dr Deborah Outhwaite (BELMAS Chair)

    Professor Caroline Daly, Professor of Teacher Education, UCL IOE

    Dr Vanessa Ogden CBE, CEO of Mulberry Schools Trust, TSHC member

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  • The Early Career Framework is exceptional support for NQTs

    Published 22/04/21

    A blog by John Stainer, Assistant Head at Great Torrington School

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