Expert Teacher Educators
At Northamptonshire Teaching School Hub we work with a selection of the best expert educators in the county across our Delivery Partner Network for the Golden Thread Programmes we deliver.
Rachel Voss-Steele | NPQH Visiting Fellow
Rachel is an Educational Leadership Consultant, Course Lead, and Visiting Fellow for NPQH, as well as an Assessor for Ambition Institute. She holds a BA (Hons), PGCE, MA, and NPQH.
Rachel finds working with future school leaders in Northamptonshire both a privilege and exceptionally rewarding. By facilitating the NPQH, she stays at the forefront of educational research and engages with participants on the key challenges they face as school leaders today. Passionate about leadership development, Rachel is dedicated to the impact it has on school improvement, pupil progress, and outcomes. She is thrilled to collaborate with such a talented group of professionals at NTSH and from schools across the county. Rachel hopes to challenge them to become better, more informed leaders, and to learn from them in return.
Claire Head
Claire is the Principal at Redwell Primary School.
Sam Strickland | NPQLBC Visiting Fellow
Sam Strickland is the Principal of a large all-through school and has helped to guide its GCSE results from the bottom 20% nationally to the top 20% and A Level outcomes to the top 5% nationally.
Sam began his teaching career as a History teacher in Bedfordshire having completed his PGCE in secondary History at the University of Cambridge under Christine Counsell. His career quickly accelerated and he became Head of History and Classics. He then moved on to become a Lead Professional and worked for the North Beds SCITT Consortium. During his time as an Assistant Head teacher he had responsibility for the Sixth Form and led a Post 16 consortium arrangement. Sam also served as a Vice Principal, where he directly oversaw student care, the Sixth Form, the curriculum, SEND, behaviour and served as the safeguarding lead for an entire trust.
Sam has served as an Associate Principal, with GCSE and A Level results under his tenure receiving commendation from the DFE, Nick Gibb and the SSAT.
The organiser of ResearchED Northampton and author of Education Exposed, Education Exposed 2, The Behaviour Manual, They Don’t Behave For Me, Creating Positive Classrooms and Is Leadership A Race?, he is a leading voice in the current conversation in education. He has had educational resources and research published and he regularly delivers courses and keynotes nationally. Sam also has extensive experience of working with the DfE and other school leaders via his school serving as a national behaviour hub lead school and he has served as a lead facilitator for a variety of NPQs.
Jessica Wise | NPQEYL Visiting Fellow
Jessica Wise is an experienced Early Phase Leader at Bridgewater School. Her professional qualifications include: BA Hons Degree, PGCE, Forest School Level 3
As Visiting Fellow for the NPQ Early Years Leadership, Jessica is looking forward to working with early years professionals from across Northamptonshire to develop leadership and practise. It will be an opportunity to share her knowledge and expertise alongside shaping the future outcomes for children across our county.
Samantha Eathorne | NPQSENCO Visiting Fellow
Samantha Eathorne is Principal of Beanfield Primary School, which includes a large and thriving specialist unit. Her professional qualifications include: NPQH, NASENCO, BA (QTS) English.
Samantha is looking forward using her rich experience in leading SEND to developing the next group of SENCOs through their qualification on the NPQ programme.
Adam Crawte | NPQSL Visiting Fellow
Adam is Principal at Manor School. His professional qualifications include his PGCE and he has also completed the NPQH course.
Adam sees facilitation as a chance to showcase his skills and experience, not just as a teacher but also as a leader. He aims to guide those who are just starting out or seeking a deeper understanding of the thought processes in the areas he will be facilitating.
Jamie Jones | Early Career Mentor programme
Jamie is an Assistant Principal at Brooke Weston Academy. His professional qualifications include the NPQSL and the NPQLTD.
Jamie has facilitated with us before on the SCITT, ECT and ECM programmes in recent years. He has found facilitation to be a wonderful opportunity to reflect on his own practice -unpicking the choices he makes in the classroom or as a mentor, relating this to research and considering how to best support the students or colleagues he works with. He states, 'It has also been a rewarding opportunity to engage in professional discussion with peers from across the local area, sharing best practice and building collaboration between our schools'.
Andrew Debenham | NPQLBC Visiting Fellow
Andrew is a Senior Lecturer at University of Northampton, Mentoring Lead and has previous experience as a Headteacher. Andrew's professional qualifications include NPQH and FHEA.
Andrew has facilitated with us before on the NPQs and believes it has helped him to maintain and develop his own knowledge so that it is up-to-date with the latest research.
Shirley Morrison | Appropriate Body Sub-Lead
Shirley is an experienced teacher of English, AB Sub Lead for NTSH, Induction Tutor, Gifted and Talented Coordinator and a NTTP Subject Specialist Mentor based at Northampton School for Boys.
She enjoys facilitating because it allows her to keep up to date with new developments and network with local colleagues.
Helen Hasan | NPQLL Visiting Fellow
Helen is a CTL of Expressive Arts at Northampton School for Boys. Her professional qualifications include, BA (Hons) Performance Studies, ENITTC GTP and currently working on an MA at Falmouth University in Scriptwriting.
She believes facilitating has enabled her to refine her skills in teaching and learning, and allows her to think about how she can assist those who are training or new to the profession. She is able to impart skills to others in her department. It has also allowed her to work with a range of professionals from other schools and organisations, which has benefited her own communication skills.
Kate Browning | NPQSENCO Visiting Fellow
Kate works for School Improvement for SEND. She has previous experience as a SENCO and a school leader. She offers training on many aspects of SEND to SENCOs, teachers, teaching assistants, leaders and governors. She is an adviser and reviewer for Local Authorities on provision for children with SEND. Kate is a SENCO Network leader for a number of organisations across the Midlands as well as the school and trust SEND review. Kate is an associate lecturer for the University of Northampton and speaker at SEND conferences around the country. Her professional qualifications include a BA, QTS and is Helen Sanderson PCA trained.
This is her first year facilitating with NTSH and she is looking forward to meeting new and aspiring SENCos, as well as facilitating opportunities for learning and enlightenment to make a difference for our children and young people with SEND.
Anna Carter | NPQLTD Visiting Fellow
Anna is a co-leader of the education team at Northampton Primary Academy Trust. Her professional qualifications include BA (Hons) and PGCE. Anna has facilitated with us before and will be continuing to facilitate on our NPQ's. Anna is a visiting fellow and ECF Facilitator. She loves engaging with Ambition and Teach First's materials as it has been developed by practice both online and in-person.
Una Lodge | NPQSENCO Visiting Fellow
Una is a Senior Lecturer and Programme lead for PG Diploma in SpLD and Inclusion. Her professional qualifications include MA (Ed), AMBDA and FHEA. This is Una's first time facilitating with us. She is looking forward to meeting SENCOs and sharing her practice and industry knowledge with them.
Jacqui Druker | ECF Programme
Jacqui is the Assistant Headteacher at Northampton School for Boys. Her professional qualifications include BMus (Hons), PGCE and an NPQH.
Jacqui has facilitated with us before and has said 'Delivering the Early Career Framework has enabled me to reflect on my own practice and ensure that I am staying up-to-date with the latest educational research. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with so many talented ECTs and expert mentors who are passionate about teaching and learning.'
Mary Hopper | Early Career Teacher programme
Mary is an independent literacy consultant with Three Bears Literacy Consultancy LTD.
They provide training and support and authoring educational resources for schools and charities. She also works part-time as DDSL and Specialist 1:1 coach at an alternative provision delivering equine-facilitated learning. Mary is also a Training and Workshop Facilitator for The Guardian's NewsWise Programme, working with schools across the UK to develop digital literacy skills and awareness of how we interact with information online.
Mary's professional qualifications include a BA in Classical Civilisation and English Studies, PGCE Primary, QTS, Level 3 Safeguarding for DSLs, Level 2 Counselling Skills and a Certified NLP Practitioner.
This is Mary's first time facilitating with the Northamptonshire Teaching School Hub and is excited to start. Mary has said 'I love working with early career teachers as they explore ways of inspiring children and guiding their learning. It brings us all right to the heart of why we want to be educators, and I'm looking forward to sharing different approaches and hearing teachers' ideas of how they can bring them to life in their classrooms.'
Lisa Pruden | SCITT Lead Mentor and NPQLT Visiting Fellow
Lisa is Head of Business, Wellbeing Lead, Lead Coach at Northampton School for Girls and Lead Mentor for NTSH SCITT.
Lisa has a BSc in Psychology. Lisa has facilitated for the Northamptonshire Teaching School Hub before and said that 'Facilitating the NPQLT has enabled me to further develop my coaching and facilitation skills, both in person and online. The content of the course is engaging and varied, so I am able to reference my own experiences whilst benefiting from the expertise in the room and the excellent research that underpins the program.'
Nicola Preston | NPQSENCO Visiting Fellow
Nicola is Deputy Head of Education, Senior Lecturer in SEN & Inclusion and programme lead for the PG Certificate in SEN Co-ordination and Leadership of Inclusion. Nicola's professional qualifications include a PhD, MA. MA Ed, PGCE, PGCert, BA(Hons), MBPsS and FHEA.
Nicola has facilitated with Northamptonshire Teaching School Hub and enjoys working with current practitioners in education settings to support the realities of professional practice and leadership.
Hannah Docherty | Early Career Teacher programme
Hannah is the Assistant Principal at Corby Business Academy. Her professional qualifications include BA(Hons) Law LLB, PGCE, NPQML, NPQSL and she is currently completing her NPQH.
This is Hannah's first time facilitating with the Northamptonshire Teaching School Hub and is anticipating sharing her wealth of knowledge and experience to support participants to allow them to flourish in the world of education.
Ben Johnson | Early Career Teacher programme
Ben is Director of Secondary Mathematics at the Brooke Weston Trust & Assistant Maths Hub lead for East Midlands South Maths Hub. Ben's professional qualifications include BSC, MA, NPQML.
Ben has facilitated across the Early Career Framework for the last couple of years and brings a wealth of classroom knowledge with him.
Dr Trevor Jones
Trevor is both the Assistant Principal of Digital Technology and Head of Computer Science at Thomas Clarkson Academy. His professional qualifications include PhD in Computer Science, MBA, BSC (Hons), PGDE, NPQML, NPQSL and MCE. This is Trevor's first year facilitating with the Northamptonshire Teaching School Hub.
Zoe Hall | NPQLPM Visiting Fellow
Zoe is Northampton Primary Academy Trust Maths Lead. Her professional qualifications include NPQLTD, NCETM, Mastery Maths Specialist and Steplab certified Coaching Lead.
Zoe has facilitated with Northampton Teaching School Hub before and has said, 'Facilitating on both the NPQLPM and in the ECF has supported my own development greatly. Firstly, knowing how the golden thread of professional development builds and develops, underpins many decisions made within my trust role. Understanding how school staff are able to develop allows me to support and guide staff to appropriate avenues to enhance their career pathways. The consistent approaches to key research to ensure effective teaching and learning (pupils and adults) has supported planning and ensured that strategies are articulated consistently to the appropriate audience/contexts. Effective professional development underpins great teaching. NPQs and the ECF have this at the heart of their structures, thus enhancing all my professional development planning'.
Nicola Lawson | Early Career Teacher programme
Nicola is the Head of Provision at Rowan Gate Primary School. Her professional achievements include BA (Hons), MASc, NPQML, NPQSL, NPQLL and NPQLTD.
Nicola has facilitated with the Northamptonshire Teaching School Hub before and believes it helps her own practice by keeping her up to date with changes in professional standards and allows her to better support the Early Career Teachers more effectively.
Emily Clark
Emily is Leader Learning for Art at Northampton School for Boys. Her professional achievements include BA(Hons) in Fine Art and a PGCE in Art and Design.
This is her first time facilitating, but she says she is looking forward to 'supporting teachers in the early stages of their career and helping them along in their journey into teaching'.
Patricia Kenneally-Forrester | Early Career Teacher programme
Patricia is the Teacher Training Lead and Professional Tutor for Beginning and Developing Teachers based at Thomas Clarkson Academy. Her professional qualifications include a BA, MA,PGCE and NPQSL.
Her involvement in facilitating has allowed her to support expert teacher development in her own school.
Patricia has experience of developing both teachers and colleagues. Currently, she is a Teacher Training Lead and Professional Tutor at The Wisbech Campus in Cambridgeshire. In total, Patricia has over 10 years of working with trainee educators and their mentors in Secondary Schools in the East of England. Before teaching in schools, Patricia was Course Director for the Arts Industries Management Undergraduate programme, for 10 years. During that time, she was simultaneously contracted to develop university staff teaching skills. Consequently, she has experience teaching on lecturer training modules for staff on PGHE modules at Birkbeck, University of London.
Karen Hearne | SCITT Subject Facilitator
Karen has been working in education for the past 33 years, spending the last 6 years as Trust Director of Science. This involved working with each of the Heads of Science across the Trust, providing strategic support and capacity for developing teachers by facilitating staff training.
Working with each of the science departments in the Trust gave her an invaluable opportunity to collaborate and work with colleagues from different contexts and together they have developed an aspirational and a broad science curriculum that extends and challenges all the students to prepare them to be successful in the complex, changing, technological and competitive world in which we live. Prior to that, she led an outstanding Science department at Brooke Weston and as Assistant Principal her work involved overseeing the smooth running of the examinations. Karen is now semi-retired continuing to do the job she loves on a part-time basis.
Karen is looking forward to working with our future teachers and leaders, facilitating and enabling everyone to learn and reflect together.
Rebecca Annetts | Early Career Mentor programme
Becky is the Assistant Principal/SENDCo at Oakley Vale Primary School. Rebecca has gained BA (QTS), NASENCO, NPQSL and NPQLBC in her career so far.
Rebecca said, 'Facilitating for the ECF programme has enabled me to reflect on my own journey as an NQT to where I am now. It has made me understand the journey the ECTs are going through now and also supported me in my mentoring role in school. It has also supported my facilitator role.'
Katie Page | Early Career Teacher programme
Katie is the Vice Principal Quality of Education at Corby Business Academy. Katie has also held the role of Induction Tutor at her previous school and now Corby Business Academy since the reforms in 2021.
Having gained BA (Hons), PGCE, SLE & NPQLTD, she is now looking forward to working with teachers who are at the start of the journey and playing a small part in the development of their pedagogy and practice.
Thomas Sycamore-Howe | Early Career Teacher programme & SCITT Subject
Tom is a Geography specialist at Brooke Weston Academy, where he is also Deputy Director of Humanities.
Having been teaching in Northamptonshire for over 10 years, his passion is for Physical Geography and supporting the development of teachers. Tom has championed a range of research-led pedagogies both across the Humanities Department and the Academy through his involvement in the Teaching and Learning Council.
Tom currently delivers on the SCITT Programme at NTSH as well as ECT Seminars county-wide. Prior to moving to Brooke Weston, Tom was involved with the Grand Union Training Partnership, where he was a School Based Tutor for over 5 years as well as Humanities Subject Leader, developing the SCITT offer in light of the initial role out of the Core Content Framework. Away from education, Tom is an avid mountaineer.